Developmental disabilities .
Causes of developmental disabilities : Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism is a complex developmental neurological disorder that typically appears during the first 3 years of age. It affects the functioning of the developing brain. Children with autism typically have difficulties in communications (verbal or non-verbal), social interaction, and play activities. Children, who have autism often have delayed language development, prefer to spend time alone & show less interest in making friends. Mostly children with ASD are intelligent but few of them may have poor cognition or intellectual disability. While all children with ASD have difficulties with communication, social interaction and repetitive behaviors, appearance but severity of symptoms is different in each child.

Symptoms: -

Condition that falls into Spectrum of Pervasive Developmental disorders are characterized by • Impairments in social relatedness • Impairment in communication skills • Presence of unusual activities (rituals, stereotypes) • Impairment in sensory motor performance • Learning characteristics (deficit in paying attention, information, Multiple cues, concept formation, use language to express abstract concept, Inability to plan, organize and solve problem)

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a biological condition which makes the child hard to sit still and concentrate on the task. The child might be so restless that he can be recognized easily. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is another condition that makes it hard for mant children to pay proper attention during a task . they are inattentive but they are not hyperactive or implosive. They are mostly shy in nature. Please note:- ADD and ADHD is not same. At the same time, Autism also different from ADHD/ADD. Children with Autism can have ADD/ADHD as an associated disorder .

Symptoms: -

• Poor sleep patterns • Difficult to soothe, modulate behavior • Feeding difficulties • Irritability • Fidgets, difficulty sitting still • Impulsivity • Oppositional • Disruption in parent- child relationship

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological disorder and an umbrella term for a wide variety of learning problems. They are physically looks normal but they see, hear and understand things differently. They get problems with in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using Language (speaking or written) and will manifest itself in imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do math.

Emotionally Disturbed children

Emotionally disturbed Children (i.e., depressive and anxiety disorders) are a set of chronic and often recurrent psychiatric disorders that are associated with significant impairment in quality of life, productivity, and interpersonal functioning. They may exhibit following symptoms- • Hyperactivity (short attention span, impulsiveness) • Aggression/ self injurious behavior (acting out, fighting) • Withdrawal (failure to initiate interaction with others, retreat from exchange of social interaction, excessive fear or anxiety). • Immaturity (inappropriate crying, tantrums, poor coping skills) Slow learners or educationally backward children Slow Learner is a child of below average intelligence whose thinking skills and scholastic performance have developed significantly more Slowly than the space of his or her age they show following symptoms.

Reduced ability to make abstraction and generalization •

Poor reasoning ability, understanding and comprehension •

Poor retention and memory or lack of concentration •

Short attention span or lack of concentration •

Poor motivation and work habits •

Lack of curiosity and creativity •

Awkward in self expression •

Poor self concept and lack of confidence •

Poor general knowledge and exposure to the world •

Poor organizational ability and limited leadership potential •

Presence of anxiety and fear of failure •

Lack of interest in the school work and dislike of school •

Truancy and dropping out

Cerebral palsy (CP)

Cerebral Palsy is a Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder where there is a significant problem with motor function (sitting, crawling, standing, walking, hand functions, and participations, etc), the motor impairment results from something that went wrong with the brain during its early development (mostly during pregnancy and at the time of birth). It’s a non-progressive disorder, but often changes with passage of time • Persistent lack of postural control and paucity of movement • Due to non progressive damage to the CNS before age 3 • Prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal in origin • Static encephalopathy that may leady to the development if progressive neuromusculoskeletal limitations • May result from infection, trauma, cranial hypoxia, or consanguinity

Developmental Delay/ Delayed Milestones

Developmental delay is a condition where a child is delayed in attaining age-appropriate milestone in a specific domain. Symptoms: - • Failure to achieve developmental milestone as expected based on the typical sequence or development; often associated with hypotonia. As for example, Child “X” is 12 Months old and has not achieved the sitting balance, then the child is considered as a case of delayed milestone. Similarly, Child “Y” is 2 years old and does not speak a single word, he is also considered as developmentally delayed. • If a child is slightly or only temporarily lagging behind his age-appropriate milestones that are not developmental delay. • A child may be delayed in one or many of these six domains of child development, namely, Gross motor, Fine motor, Cognition, Social-emotional, Expressive language (Speech) and self help (Activities of daily living). If the child is delayed in two or more than two domains, then it is considered as Global Developmental Delay (GDD). Intellectual Disabilities earlier Mental Retardation (MR) /Low IQ/Subnormal Cognition / Cognitive Impairment Intellectual Disability / Mental Retardation refers to substantial limitation in present functioning. It characterized by significantly sub average intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with related limitation in two or more of the following applicable adaptive skills areas:- Communication, self care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure, and work. Intellectual disability manifests before the age of 18.

Symptoms: -

Significantly Below average intellectual functioning •

Adaptive functions are also impaired •

Onset before 18 years of age •

Concurrent deficits (communication, self care, Home living, social/ interpersonal, use of community Resources, self- direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health, and safety. •

Delay in developmental areas is usually consistent Unless associated with another disability such as cerebral palsy.
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